Roblox Gear Ids
Luger Pistol: 95354288
Fuse Bomb: 11563251
Flashbang: 16979083
Red Hyperlaser Gun: 212296936
Subspace Tripmine: 11999247
Grapple Hook: 30393548
Seranok's Golden Chalice of Fame: 124126528
Paint Bucket: 18474459
Flashlight: 116040770
Portable Justice: 82357101
Rocket Launcher: 32356064
Body Swap Potion: 78730532
Wall Walker: 35683911
Speed Coil: 99119158
Gravity Coil: 16688968
Regeneration Coil: 119101539
Classic Bucket: 25162389
Classic Plane: 163348575
Double Damage Frog: 114687236
Flayed Rats: 3381451677
Hot Potato: 25741198
Airstrike: 88885539
R-Orb: 98411393
Red Convertible: 164207580
Dance Potion: 27858062
Atomizer: 35293856
Bloxy Cola: 10472779
Witches Brew: 10727852
Goala Cola: 28672001
CheezBurger: 16726030
Rainbow Magic Carpet: 225921000
Snowball: 19328185
Dracovin Spell Book: 49491736
Spray Paint: 80576967
ROBLOX Portable Game System (RPGS): 58574445
The Fiery Sun: 83021250
ROBLOX Grab Bag: 34398653
Gear Recycler: 236442380
PE Whistle: 128160832
ROBLOX Frisbee: 25158998
Tic Tac Toe Board: 16924676
Four In A Row: 18210455
Ghost Ship: 155662051
Instant Campfire: 123234510
Blow Dryer: 11719016
Personal Rocketship: 298085284
Steam Engine: 157205782
Saxophone: 45094376
Laser Electrocutor: 82357123
Pogo Stick: 420161128
Boomerang: 18479357
Instant Treehouse: 119917513
Silly Guitar: 57229371
Birthday Dance Party Potion: 34247537
Danceblaster 7000: 45941451
Monster Mash Dance Potion: 35930009
Moonwalk Dance Potion: 32353654
Orbital Piano Strike: 113299590
The Adventures of Noob Boy Part 1: 33867401
Metal Guitar of Awesomeness: 60678464
Forbidden Box: 95354259
Astral Cloak of Transportation: 114020538
Future Crossbow: 972187699
Mr. Wing: 1074742019
Sledge Hammer: 45177979
Icedagger: 83704165
Sword of Swords: 139578136
Bear Mine Gun: 90718350
Colossal Blade: 83704154
Blackhole Ray Gun: 78005009
Stravant's Lightning: 169669671